Huge website mistakes are the lack of a plan with an end objective in mind. More importantly, is not being the registered owner of your website.
The registered owner of a website is an email address, in the digital world it’s the equivalent to a driver’s license for ID in the real world. Owning your own website is absolutely critical for a website for more reasons than I can count.
Take Ownership From The Beginning
I just recently encountered a friend of mine who can not get into his own website to make any changes. He has no way to even find out who the registered owner is because multiple people from the previous owner have control over the email account.
So the very first thing you want to do is create a very specific email account before ordering any Domain or Hosting. Use this email for ordering Domain Name and related products. Should you hire anybody to help build your website do yourself a favor and assign people to your account. Don’t just outright give them your credentials. Never share your email account with anybody and they can’t steal your website. Take ownership and plan your objectives to avoid huge website mistakes.
Most people trust their website developer to handle everything for them. But then they can hold your website hostage. They control the ownership if they control the email account associated with the website.
Know Your Website’s Objective
Most business owners want their website to be all things to all people? why not you have all these pages to work with so let’s fill them up with as much as we can.
It must be a stunning website as well! You have to capture their attention with amazing graphics or you will lose them. Read More…..