Get Web Hosting
for a
Wholesale Price
Get web hosting for a wholesale price here at Get More Hosting.Com. There are literally hundreds of places to buy web hosting. All of them either have an inflated price to start with or give a 12-month discount just to lock into renewals at a higher price. So if you’re only needing a website for one year then take the best one year deal out there.
But if you are planning to be online for years to come then you’re much better off buying from Get More Hosting.Com because of our pricing policy. Get More Hosting.Com pricing policy is different from the rest. One Price Fits All! When you buy any product, one year or multiple years you pay the same price. This includes sale-priced items.
So-Called Free Websites Can Be The Most Expensive!
Website builders like WIX are without question are the most expensive. They may start out free but by the time they’re done with you, it’s a big monthly payment. Unfortunately, you’re locked in and you have to pay whatever that price is.
When you buy a domain for one year or ten years at Get More Hosting.Com, the price per month is the same. Whatever term you buy, you are guaranteed at least one renewal term for the same price. No bait & switch which seems to be rampant in the hosting industry. This policy applies to all of Get More Hosting’s products.
A .COM domain is on sale for 9.99 a year and you can buy 5 years for $49.95 or 10 years for $99.90. Get More Hosting.Com is the only hosting company in the market with the same price for any length pricing policy.
In addition, Get More Hosting includes 24/7 Award-winning customer support with all our products. Our personal website builder is under $6 a month. For $82 a year, you get website builder (up to 5 pages) and domain name with an SSL Certificate included. That’s wholesale pricing! Get Web Hosting for a Wholesale Price only at Get More Hosting.Com where one price fits all!
Get Web Hosting for a Wholesale Price Only at Get More Hosting.Com
The 2 biggest website mistakes are lack of a plan with an end objective in mind and not being the registered owner of a website.
The registered owner of a website is an email address, in the digital world it’s the equivalent to a driver’s license for ID in the real world. Owning your own website is absolutely critical for more reasons than I can count.
Take Ownership From The Beginning
I just recently encountered a friend of mine who can not get into his own website to make any changes. He has no way to even find out who the registered owner is because multiple people from the previous owner have had control over the email account. The website is an online sign company so when someone places an order he’s not receiving the order, it’s a complete disaster.
So the very first thing you want to do is create a very specific email account before ordering any Domain or Hosting. Use this email for ordering Domain Name and related products. Should you hire anybody to help build your website do yourself a favor and assign people to your account. Don’t just outright give them your credentials. Never share the email account with anybody and they can’t steal your website.
Most people trust their website developer to handle everything for them. Then they have a disagreement and the next thing you know your website info and access to your own website are inaccessible because somebody changed your email password.
Know Your Website’s Objective
Most business owners want their website to be all things to all people? why not you have all these pages to work with so let’s fill them up with as much as we can.
It must be a stunning website as well! You have to capture their attention with amazing graphics or you will lose them. All of this is a good idea but lacks an objective?
It’s important to plan ahead of time what you want from your website. Do you want the phone to ring and take it from there, or products to sell online? Maybe your website is more about reputation and branding for a business that’s already successfully operating. Each of these objectives requires using different approaches.
Local Businesses Have An Advantage
Local businesses are the easiest and most affordable websites to build and promote. To get a local business listed in the “Near Me Search” on Google is a breeze. Register the business on Google My Business and verify the address and you’re listed on Google. It really is that easy!
A local business can use a Personal Website Builder for $6 a month and a domain for $10 a year. Another benefit is you know they need something when searching locally? So all you have to do is give them all the information they’re looking for. Make whatever it is they’re looking for the first thing they see on the home page.
Get More Hosting .Com cost is wholesale hosting compared to Wix and many of these do it yourself, website builders. They are expensive relative to buying your own hosting. By the time Wix is done with you, it’ll cost as much as three times the amount as a Personal Website Builder.
Buy Your Web Development Tools Wholesale
Building a larger geographical website requires a great deal more planning. Managed WordPress is the choice of most designers in the website industry. Managed WordPress Ultimate includes unlimited pages, Unlimited storage Unlimited visits per month Website backup protection with 1-click restore Automatic daily malware scans SEO optimizer SSL certificates* 1-click testing site Unlimited malware removal and hack repair $550 marketing credit to Google, Yelp & Bing All for $16.99 a month.
Learning WordPress for larger geographical businesses is a really good idea because of the SEO control it offers. SEO is the single most important thing because traffic is the most important thing.
It seems as if there are tens of thousands of WordPress plugins available for whatever your need is. Larger geographical businesses require a great deal of content to get ranked on Google. WordPress is ideal for any expansive needs you may have.
Who’s using WordPress?
Who’s using WordPress? The short answer when it comes to web design is “Everybody”. Always start out where you feel most comfortable, I used Website Builder for years. Then I grew from there.
WordPress is used by fortune 500 companies and you are on a WordPress Website right now! Without question, WordPress is the number one choice for Developers of Websites.
Learning SEO Is Imperative
WordPress is ideal for businesses that need total control over their SEO (search engine optimization). SEO is the most important part of a website looking to cover a large geographical area, Unlike a local business. Local businesses have the luxury of “Google My Business” available to get listed on Google easily.
Managed WordPress
WordPress Ultimate comes loaded with all of the most popular plugins installed. They can’t possibly know what your exact plugin needs are so they can’t possibly come loaded with precisely what you need but the plugins installed are a great head start!
Google’s algorithms in 2020 are very strict for large geographical websites, with WordPress you can meet these requirements. The flexibility to control your SEO is the best part. The free plugins available help make life easier so you can get right into the development.
Google Requirements
These are some of Google’s requirements to get ranked. SSL certificate, relevant content, a minimum of 300 words of quality content on the pages, the more the better. Quality Images are also important, be sure to tag them. The more pages with quality content the better your website will produce.
A lot of business owners have had bad experiences with a website in the past. A lot more business owners have had exceptional results partly because a website is so affordable.
Businesses’ websites that are effective are usually a very well guarded secret. Most businesses consider their online success proprietary information.
A well-planned website is invaluable for so many reasons, reputation, custom business email, online presence. A website is a place to be found if the business address changes. Most importantly it’s the world’s most affordable salesmen that exist.
A website is the only form of marketing a business owns and has total control over. No business owns its marketing besides a website, all other forms of marketing are on their platform, not yours.
Avoid making the two biggest website mistakes and you will have a successful website. Especially so for a local business because the cost is so low and the exposure so great it makes no sense to not have a website.
Google Is Free Marketing for Local Businesses
Website Builder’s personal edition is for any size business that has a powerful message. This builder makes doing your own website a snap. Get registered with “Google My Business” and you can get listed in as little as two weeks! Just ask the owner of Barber Connect in Dade City, Florida. Barber Connect started with the personal website builder personal edition but upgraded to have an online appointment calendar and payment gateway. Two weeks after registering with Google My Business she had more business than she could handle in a hidden location using the personal website builder.
Don’t get me wrong the owner has skills, unlike any barber I’ve seen so Barber Connect was sure to be a big hit. The owner provided excellent high-quality photo’s to show off those skills. Barber Connect is getting more business than they could handle in a month’s time from a website. Websites have a lot of power to grow a business so the sooner you get one up and running the better off you’ll be.
Barber Connect uses the most affordable Website Builder. Get More Hosting has to offer. That’s all Barber Connect will ever need, a basic website builder gets the job done.
A website brings in customers you never had because they may not be from your area but they can still find you. Websites are ideal for stay at home businesses and for reputability. Some people believe because the Website builder’s personal edition’s price is so low that it must not be very good and that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Local businesses are the easiest and most affordable websites to build and promote. To get a local business listed in the “Near Me Search” on Google is a breeze. Register the business on Google My Business and verify the address and you’re listed on Google. It really is that easy!
A local business can use a Personal Website Builder for $6 a month and a domain for $10 a year. Another benefit is you know they need something when searching locally? So all you have to do is give them all the information they’re looking for. Make whatever it is they’re looking for the first thing they see on the home page.
Buy Your Web Development Tools Wholesale
Building a larger geographical website requires a great deal more planning. Managed WordPress is the choice of most designers in the website industry. Managed WordPress Ultimate includes unlimited pages, Unlimited storage Unlimited visits per month Website backup protection with 1-click restore Automatic daily malware scans SEO optimizer SSL certificates* 1-click testing site Unlimited malware removal and hack repair $550 marketing credit to Google, Yelp & Bing All for $16.99 a month.
Learning WordPress for larger geographical businesses is a really good idea because of the SEO control it offers. SEO is the single most important thing because traffic is the most important thing.
It seems as if there are tens of thousands of WordPress plugins available for whatever your need is. Larger geographical businesses require a great deal of content to get ranked on Google.
Get More Hosting Get More Business for Less!
a Website Is Invaluable for Any Business
A well-planned website is invaluable for so many reasons, reputation, custom business email, online presence. A website is a place to be found if the business address changes. Most importantly it’s the world’s most affordable salesmen.
A website is the only form of marketing a business owns and has total control over. No business owns its marketing besides a website, all other forms of marketing are on their platform, not yours.
The two biggest website mistakes are easy to avoid when you know what they are. So be sure to be the registered owner of the email and domain name and know your business objectives. It’s much easier to plan costs with a good plan and the expected results of that plan.
Avoid making the two biggest website mistakes and you will have a successful website. Especially so for a local business because the cost is so low and the exposure so great it makes no sense to not have a website.