Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

$6.99 / per month

Bring more traffic to your website with Search Engine Optimization.

  • Search Optimization: Improve search engine rankings with keyword and suggested topics tool
  • Keyword suggestions: Get personalized phrases and words to add to increase traffic to your website and help it rank better.
  • Tracking your ranking: Track the progress of your website’s rank on Google over time
  • Create your sitemap: Customize, create and submit a site map to aid search engines in crawling your site.

Online Calendars

Online Calendars Stay organized wherever you are, online calendars keep you connected. Great for businesses that need personalized email for small or large groups.

Online calendars are a great value for reputability as well as keeping your business well organized. It’s important to know website appointment calendars are included with many website builders.

Online Calendar Personal

$9.99 / per year

Stay organized wherever you are — at home, in the office or on the road.

Only available in English.

  • Perfect for individuals
  • Manage your personal schedule
  • Integrates with Workspace Email
  • Works with iOS or Android™ smartphones

Online Calendar Group

$12.99 / per year

Stay organized wherever you are — at home, in the office or on the road.

Only available in English.

  • Great for groups of up to 5
  • Integrates with Workspace Email
  • Manage shared meetings & tasks
  • Works with iOS or Android™ smartphones

Online Calendar Unlimited

$24.99 / per year

Stay organized wherever you are — at home, in the office or on the road.

Only available in English.

  • Ideal for businesses and larger groups
  • Unlimited users, so it grows as needed
  • Integrates with Workspace Email
  • Manage shared meetings & tasks
  • Works with iOS or Android™ smartphones

Website Backup

Website Backup 5 GB

$2.99 / per month

Recommended for documents and files.

  • Automatic daily backups
  • Built-in daily malware scanning
  • Back up a file, folder or an entire database
  • Continuous security monitoring
  • Downloads to local storage
  • Easy one-click restore
  • Secure cloud storage
  • Expert 24/7 customer support
  • One website per account

Website Backup 25 GB

$4.99 / per month

Recommended for photos and music.

  • Automatic daily backups
  • Built-in daily malware scanning
  • Back up a file, folder or an entire database
  • Continuous security monitoring
  • Downloads to local storage
  • Easy one-click restore
  • Secure cloud storage
  • Expert 24/7 customer support
  • One website per account

Website Backup 50 GB

$6.99 / per month

Recommended for videos and multimedia.

  • Automatic daily backups
  • Built-in daily malware scanning
  • Back up a file, folder or an entire database
  • Continuous security monitoring
  • Downloads to local storage
  • Easy one-click restore
  • Secure cloud storage
  • Expert 24/7 customer support
  • One website per account

Web Site Builders are Ideal for Local Businesses

Website Builders are for businesses who really don’t have time to learn what makes it all work. Ideal for building a website easily and quickly. Ideal for local businesses that can get listed on Google with ease because of “Google My Business”. Register your business with Google My Business and get listed in two weeks. All you need is a Gmail account.

All Website Builders Include A Free SSL Certificate (Google Requires SSL’s in 2020)

Who’s using WordPress?

Who’s using WordPress? The short answer when it comes to web design is “Everybody”. Always start out where you feel most comfortable, I used Website Builder for years. Then I grew from there.

WordPress is used by fortune 500 companies and you are on a WordPress Website right now! Without question WordPress is the number one choice for Developers of Websites.

Learning SEO Is Imperative

WordPress is ideal for businesses that need total control over their SEO (search engine optimization). SEO is the most important part of a website looking for coverage of a large geographical area, Unlike a local business. Local businesses have the luxury of “Google My Business” available to get listed on Google easily.

Who’s using WordPress?

Who’s using WordPress? The short answer when it comes to web design is “Everybody”. Always start out where you feel most comfortable, I used Website Builder for years. Then I grew from there.

WordPress is used by fortune 500 companies and you are on a WordPress Website right now! Without question, WordPress is the number one choice for Developers of Websites.

Learning SEO Is Imperative

WordPress is ideal for businesses that need total control over their SEO (search engine optimization). SEO is the most important part of a website looking to cover a large geographical area, Unlike a local business. Local businesses have the luxury of “Google My Business” available to get listed on Google easily.

Managed WordPress

Get More Hosting Get More Business for Less!

Managed WordPress comes loaded with all of the most popular plugins installed. They can’t possibly know what your exact plugin needs are so they can’t possibly come loaded with precisely what you need but it’s a great head start!

Googles algorithms in 2020 are very strict for large geographical websites, with WordPress you can meet these requirements. The flexibility to control your SEO is the best part. The free plugins available help make life easier so you can get right into the development.

Using a free SEO plugin like Yoast, you will be guided to build excellent web pages that Google will love! Google rewards quality information with good rankings, so it is imperative to learn SEO and the Yoast plugin makes that easy than ever.